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A search for 'B-Side, The: Elsa Dorfman's Portrait Photography' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
5741 matches in tracks
  1. Self Portrait Variation II (01:37)
    from Flambierte Frau, Die
    End of Side 1.
  2. Elsa's Homecoming/Elsa's Promise/The Hammonds' Ambush/The Big Fight Begins/The Fight to the Death (03:37)
    from Ride The High Country
  3. Elsa's Homecoming/Elsa's Promise/The Hammonds' Ambush/The Big Fight Begins/The Fight to the Death (03:37)
    from Mail Order Bride
  4. Photography (00:36)
    from Between Strangers
  5. On Photography (01:04)
    from Regarding Susan Sontag
  6. Photography (01:17)
    from Into The West
  7. 2nd Day Photography of Cars (M-39) (00:46)
    from Shinkansen Daibakuha
  8. Moondance / Photography / City Stinger (01:42)
    from Spider-Man
  9. Fairground fashion photography (01:26)
    from Prisoner, The
    Bring on the Girls - S. Torch
  10. Photography Incorporated - Kimi's Pool - Entrance Of Japanese Boys (02:39)
    from Geisha Boy, The
  11. Photography Incorporated/Kimi’s Pool*/Entrance of Japanese Boys (02:46)
    from Geisha Boy, The
  12. Stranger In Paradise (00:00)
    from Gigi
    5-8 (Side B) from KISMETThe Embassy Singers & Players conducted by Gordon Franks (Side A) and Johnny Gregory (Side B)
  13. Stranger In Paradise (00:00)
    from Kismet
    5-8 (Side B) from KISMETThe Embassy Singers & Players conducted by Gordon Franks (Side A) and Johnny Gregory (Side B)
  14. Elsa (01:50)
    from Outremangeur, L'
  15. Elsa (01:20)
    from Rastignac Ou Les Ambitieux
  16. Elsa Imprisoned (01:04)
    from Frozen
  17. L'attente d'Elsa (03:20)
    from Passante Du Sans-Souci, La
  18. ELSA'S DISCOVERY (02:45)
    from Universal's Classic Scores Of Mystery And Horror
  19. ELSA'S DISCOVERY (02:45)
    from Ghost Of Frankenstein, The
  20. ELSA'S DISCOVERY (02:45)
    from Son of Dracula
Show all 5741 matching tracks